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The Food in my Beard is my recipe playground, so the recipes you see here were on my table or in my beard just a few days before being posted.
Since starting The Food in my Beard in 2008, I’ve created thousands of recipes. I cook anything and everything and enjoy mashing up flavors, techniques, or cuisines that normally aren’t paired together.
Most of my time blogging was spent in Boston, but I started the blog in Bermuda, and currently live in Columbus with my wife Georgina and our dog Frida
I have written 5 cookbooks, which you can learn more about here.
When I’m not working on my food, I can be found looking for inspiration at indie rock shows and local breweries, or on my favorite TV shows and video games. Sometimes, my other passions cross over into my cooking, and I’ll craft a recipe inspired by my favorite pop culture references.
I’m glad you found the Food in my Beard, and hope you enjoy browsing my recipes.
– Dan Whalen, The Food in my Beard